Introduction to Landon the College Student

     What's up?! My name is Landon Rosckes, and I'm currently a student at the University of Oklahoma. I'm a junior and majoring in Chemical Biosciences Premed. I really like how my major is a blend of all the sciences. You get to learn about so many subjects from biology to psychology. My major fits really well with the premed track, and I have enjoyed it so far! I have lots of very interesting classes since my start at OU. I have gotten the privilege of taking classes such as Mediterranean Diet and Great Discoveries of Archaeology. These classes are always awesome because I love learning about other cultures and information that I just wasn't aware of.

    I don't really watch any tv or movies since I am typically pretty busy with school. I also don't really have a favorite type of music. My music choice really depends on the mood that I am in and on the situation. If I want to relax and feel at peace, I might listen to some worship music. If I want to get really pumped up or in the mood for something with a quick beat, I might listen to some rap music. I am very easy going with music and can be happy with almost anything!

    I aspire one day to become a physician where I serve and help children. I've always had a passion for younger children and know how scary the doctor may be at a younger age. I want to be a doctor where I can make kids smile and feel comforted around me. I always tell my family and friends that yes, I would be the doctor wearing something like an Elmo tie to work.

    I do have pets! I have three dogs, two dachshunds and a mini golden doodle, and two cats. My mom is a little bit of a crazy cat lady lowkey. She would never admit it though. My favorite restaurants in OKC are the Jones Assembly as well as Hall's Pizza Kitchen. I love the atmosphere there, and their food is awesome! I highly recommend those two places if you haven't been there before.

My Cat Named Millie. Source: Personal Photo
from January 2021.

    When I do have some free time, I usually hang out with my friends or family. I also started my own small business recently where I make resin art pieces. I have made cutting boards, hanging wall pieces, and I recently made a table that appears to have the ocean waves flowing on top of it. Making art is something I really enjoy doing in my spare time because I get to be creative and make people smile through my artwork. That's all for now! Thank you for reading and learning about me!! Hope you enjoyed!

The table I just made! Source: Personal Photo.


  1. Hi Landon!

    Like you, I have a major that is a blend between a few things and provides me a lot of options, so it's really cool that yours is a blend between the sciences! Your aspiration to be a physician is very admirable. Working with kids takes a lot of patience that I definitely don't have so kudos to you.

    Also that table is absolutely stunning. I admire your dedication to creation in your free time. Normally when I get some free time I'm so worn out by school so I just consume things.

    Good Luck with everything you're doing!

    P.S. I also have a pet Goldendoodle, she's the best. She's full size but I've always wanted a mini one as my personal dog! She's pictured with my on my introduction post.

  2. Hey Bailey!

    It's definitely nice to have a major that is a good blend of different things! Thank you for the sweet words regarding my artwork. It's truly something I find joy in, and I love to create things for people. Your dog is very cute by the way! Hope all is well!

  3. Hey Landon,
    I have also taken a bunch of sciences as a pre-physical therapy major and your major sounds cool! Nice and also probably tough taking all those sciences but for sure interesting things to learn. Worship music is a great way to relax! Love your reasoning and aspiration to become a physician. Awesome vision you have for that and I think kids would love that Elmo tie. Great way to make their day brighter! Big fan of that table and the fact that you have started a business. I have a couple buddies that have done similar things in creating their own small business and they love having those avenues to express themselves and impact others and it's awesome to hear you say the same.
    Hope everything continues to go well with everything you're doing!

    1. Thank you very much Justin! I appreciate the kind words. It all means a lot!!

  4. Hi Landon! Great to meet you on here ;) Your resin business is ABSOLUTELY amazing! My jaw dropped when I saw the picture of the table that you made. I have absolutely no idea how you do that, but hats off to you. Also, you are a genius and are going to become an amazing physician. I already know that the children whom you serve are going to look up to you so highly and feel immediately comfortable in your office! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you Rachel!! That was very sweet of you to give me so many compliments! I appreciate your faith in me!!

  5. Hi Landon, nice to meet you! You seem like a really interesting person with a lot of different interests. I have a couple friends who were in Mediterranean Diet, and it sounded like a really cool class. You have great taste in restaurants. I really like both places you mentioned, and you should also check out Picasso's if you want some plant-based food! Your table looks really cool—I love the ocean so I especially like that design. Your cat is also so cute! My roommate just got a kitten named Boots and he only weighs a couple pounds. I haven't had any pets before, but I love cats now.

  6. Hey Landon!
    Chemical biosciences sounds like a tough major. I wish you the best of luck in your career! The world could definitely use some more friendly physicians
    I coincidentally just ate at the Jones assembly for the first time the other weekend. I really liked the food and the atmosphere as well. I can back up your recommendation!
    Looking forward to reading some stories from you this year.

  7. Hey Landon, lovely to meet you!
    Just have to start off by saying how absolutely stunning that table is - how'd you get into working with resin? Seems like such intricate work, and given your desire to pursue medicine combined with this hobby is it safe to assume you have a pretty steady hand?
    It was great to read about your life goals and the sense of direction you have for your future, while you're also enjoying the present moment learning about as many new things as possible. What a great perspective to have while in undergrad!
    Best of luck on your ventures. Looking forward to reading your stories.

  8. Hey Landon!
    How are you doing dude, honestly had no idea you were in this class. I think I told you the last time I saw you but the table looks great. Never knew you wanted to be a physician, that's cool, I know you'd be good at it. Well I'm gonna go read one of your stories now so best of luck this semester and we should hang out sometime soon.

  9. Hi Landon! I totally lost track of doing Introduction comments (these pandemic semesters are just weird!)... but it is actually really fun this way getting to see people's Introductions after I get to know you through your project. With Howie the dog, you have ended up with a project that is an excuse to include all different kinds of cultures... so that's perfect! And of course I am not surprised that you have dogs as pets, and cats too: wonderful! Plus I always like to think that this class is a great way to learn some stories that you can tell to children: your kids, other people's kids, or kids who are your patients. An Elmo tie... plus lots of stories: that is how you build your bedside manner for sure! And that is so cool about your resin artwork: I should put a picture in the announcements! Do you have a website where you are listing your works? If you do, let me know and I will include a link to that also. That table looks beautiful: wow!

  10. Hi Landon!
    Your art is beautiful, that is such a cool hobby to have! I can imagine doing resin art while listening to worship music would be such a state of peace. You sound like you'd be an excellent doctor, considering the elmo comment. The doctor's that wear stuff like that were always so comforting as a child. The Mediterranean diet class sounds very interesting. I have gotten really into eating fish lately, and I am pretty sure that's like the staple of their diet. I could totally be wrong. But I've always wanted to try that diet! If I had more time at OU that would definitely be a class I would consider taking. It was so nice learning a bit about you! I look forward to reading your stories throughout this class.

  11. Hi Landon!
    I used to be a Chemical Biosciences major too but I realized I hate Chemistry so much. I'm on the premed route too and it's great that you want to be a Pediatrician and I think you would be a great one too based on your elmo comment. I personally haven't try Jones Assembly but I think I will check them out based on your recommendation. I love animals so thank you for attaching a photo of your cat Millie. Resin art is so cool and it's awesome that you're able to express your creativity on your free time. I only recently started painting so it still look rough but I love it. Hope everything going well and I look forward to read your story.

  12. Hi Landon! Nice to meet you! Um WOW, that table is amazing??? I've been wanting to get into using resin but I'm so scared of the toxicity. I really want to make resin earrings though :( If you have any tips, I would love to hear them because you are clearly a pro. And hey, if you're going to be a doctor, you better get up to date on all the little kid shows so you can relate to them LOL. Doubt they'll understand references from the shows we used to watch.

  13. Hi Landon! What a cool table!! My mom made a table using old wood from our barn, so I've seen what a challenge that type of project can be--and she didn't even attempt an artistic design like you have! Your cat Millie is so cute! In my experience, orange tabby cats are the sweetest. I love your aspiration to be a physician who makes going to the doctor less frightening! I vividly remember how often I was terrified at the doctor's office, so the world could use more people like you.

  14. Hi Landon,
    I think your artwork is beautiful! Starting a business while going to school is such a wonderful accomplishment. Your major sounds fun and difficult. I think that wanting to work in pediatrics is great. You are correct, so many little ones are afraid to go to the doctor. Its cold, and bright, and some stranger is talking to you. I think you are going to excel at working with children. What wonderful passion you have!

  15. Hey Landon,
    I really like the major that you are in, I have never heard of that major and find it interesting. I really love that you want to be a physician that helps children and makes them smile/feel comfortable. I know when I was younger I always hated to go to the doctor. The table that you made looks really awesome! I have always admired people who could do that kind of artwork because I find it difficult.

  16. Hi Landon! You seem like such a happy person just by reading your post! I am a music pre-med major, which I have loved because like you I am able to take a wide variety of classes! You mentioned wanting to be a doctor and loving children, so I HIGHLY recommend volunteering at OU Children's. It is such an amazing experience because you are able to interact directly with the kids while also peeking into the world of medicine.

  17. Hey Landon! Your major seems really interesting! I'm a social work major, but I love learning new stuff. I'm not really a science and math person though. The Archaeology class you took sounds fun though! I'm the same way about music. It really just depends on my mood. I also get the whole not having time to really watch TV or movies much. School keeps us busy at OU, that's for sure! It's nice that you are wanting to work with children as a doctor. I had a major spinal surgery as a 13 year old and non of my doctors really related to me well and honestly did not help my fear very much. So it's encouraging to hear someone who wants to be different and try to make children feel more comfortable at the doctor's. You resin art business also sounds really cool! I'm, not artistic like that, but many of my friends are. Since I don't have that talent, I'm always appreciative of others who are. I hope the semester ends well for you and you have a good summer!

  18. Hi Landon!
    First of all, that table is beautiful! The music I listen to also depends on my mood. I have an eclectic taste. I also have three dogs, although (sadly) I have no cats. Wearing and Elmo tie to work is definitely a good way to get kids to relax around you! Doctors can be pretty scary. Nice to meet you!


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