My Take on the Growth Mindset


Strengthening the Brain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

  I have never really heard much about the growth mindset or Carol Dweck. I feel as if I fall somewhere in the middle on the growth-fixed mindset spectrum sometimes. Sometimes I get really excited to take on a new or difficult challenge while other times I may feel kind of defeated by a particular challenge. However, I am always trying to achieve a growth mindset because I think it can be very beneficial.
    At OU, I have learned to make sure to time manage and make sure to schedule my responsibilities. It's also always better to work ahead, which leaves ample time to ask professors questions or even advice from a friend on something like a paper. I would say my biggest challenge about learning sometimes is just simply getting started. The first push can seem daunting. but if you just push yourself to get past it, it usually feels a lot better!
    I am definitely excited to learn more about the growth mindset and how I can better apply it to my own life. My personal learning goals for the semester is just to embrace the opportunity to learn and take on unknown challenges. I am very excited to be getting closer to taking my MCAT exam because I'm excited to see what the next chapter of life has in store for me. However, I'm also slightly worried since a profession in medicine is what I have been wanting and pursuing my entire life, and I can't imagine not doing it one day!


  1. Hi Landon!

    I'm doing blog comments, I just read some microfiction of yours and I saw that I already commented on your introduction so I chose this post to comment on in lou of commenting in the introduction post!

    I also agree sometimes the biggest challenge in school is simply getting started. I am a big fan of working ahead myself, so I often take this approach. However often times I find myself pushing off an assignment or task that takes 20 minutes in total to complete.


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