Feedback Strategies


Feedback leads to success. Source: Pixabay.

    The first article I read was, "Why Do So Many Managers Avoid Giving Praise?" by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman. I was slightly confused with the data in this article but agreed with the statements that were made at the end of it. Managers who are always giving negative feedback don't come across with other people as being very good. The article says that it's possible that there's a stereotype that managers should be tough graders or if they give praise, it's a sign of weakness. I really liked how the article said that people who give positive feedback are showing you that they want you to be successful. Praise and criticism are both important for success.

    The second article I had read was, "The Difference Between Praise and Feedback" by Anya Kamenetz. The article talks about the damaging effects of overpraising people including your children. It also talks about the importance of understanding how a child is feeling and thinking. It's important to ask children questions and be respectful to them.

    I feel as if I am confident with giving feedback to people! Although at times, I do struggle with giving people negative feedback since I feel bad sometimes. However, I think it's important to consider how negative feedback and criticism is delivered. I do not really have any strategies for feedback other than having a good balance of positive and negative feedback and being specific. I do not like when people say something like, "this paragraph could be stronger." I would rather someone tell me ways they like I could make it stronger, which means they need to be specific. This semester I want to give praise and also criticism while trying my best to be as detailed as possible!


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