Reading Notes: Adam and Eve, Part A

The Serpent in the Garden of Eden. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

    I read The Creation from the Adam and Eve unit. In this reading, it talks about God creating the earth and everything on it. Most of everything is told in the third person and there are occasional pieces of dialogue from God. The reading is Genesis 1-2 from the Bible. God starts off with making man in His image and allowing man to have power or ruling "over every creeping thing that creepth upon the earth." God is all-knowing and knows what shall be created on earth. He has a plan to populate the earth with the man and woman He creates. God provided so many resources on earth for mankind.

    God can do things that nobody else can. God knew the needs of Adam and decided to provide him some help. He was able to create man from dust and take one of Adam's ribs to create a woman. Genesis also talked about how God brought animals to Adam and had Adam name them all.

Story Source: King James Bible (1611): Genesis 1-2.

    I also read The Fall of Man from the Adam and Eve unit. I wanted to focus on the serpent in the reading. It had said that the serpent possessed qualities that resembled man. Serpents had two feet and stood high. A pair of them could also perform the work that man could do as well. It describes the serpent as being very smart and how the serpent was trying to tick and persuade Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The serpent was being deceitful and tricked Eve into eating from the tree even though God had instructed them not to. I do not like snakes, and I think they are very frightening. I think it makes sense that the character in the story that is deceitful and evil would be some sort of snake/serpent. It sounds like the serpent had something against God and wanted someone to go against Him.

Story Source: The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg (1909).


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