Week 8 Comments and Feedback
I think the quality of comments and feedback that I have been receiving is very high. Other students in the class are providing me with good insight on details I might have looked over or new ideas that would be great to add to a story or my project. I really like the comments where students are specific about what they like or what they are confused about. The more detailed the comment is, the better.
I think I am providing good comments and feedback to other students as well! I really just try to ask myself questions as the reader on what I think I was a little confused on or had trouble with. I do get some great ideas from other people's writing!
I do have a sense of getting to know people through their blogs. Everyone has a particular way of writing, and people's blogs give a little bit of insight into what people are interested in. There might be a topic that I would never want to write about whereas that same topic might be someone's favorite.
I am happy with my introduction post and blog in general! I think they are both great ways to get to know a little bit more about me.
I think really thinking about other people's work and taking the time to think of suggestions or critiques for someone is beneficial. I try my best to be straightforward in the feedback assignments and write down thoughts as I read. I do not currently have any changes that I would like to make to my introduction or comment wall.
I chose the image above because I think that feedback really helps someone reach the end goal and provides a roadmap for that goal. When people read over your work, they do so with a fresh pair of eyes that can usually see things that you might not have seen. With critiques and suggestions from people, you can write even better and get closer to that end goal of creating a wonderful masterpiece.
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