Microfiction: The Battle of a Lifetime


Jim's Biggest Fear. Source: Pixabay.

    Jim wasn't ready for the journey he was about to embark on. However, he had been preparing his whole life for such a moment. He knew his time would come where he would be forced to face his biggest fears and take on the danger the world offers. He approached the gates to the kingdom as he trembled with fear. He turned to his right and knew he couldn't tell his son no. It was time. Jim had to take on the biggest battle for any germaphobe and face the army of germs at Disney World.

    With hand sanitizer in hand, Jim walked through the gates of Disney World ready to face the biggest fear of his entire life. However, his son, Luke, was his world, and Jim would do anything for him.

Author's Note: I wanted to try to create a story that had some suspense building up in it. I just thought of the idea of having a character who is extremely afraid of germs. I wanted to make it feel like Jim was about to go into an intense battle and face something really huge because that is what it feels like for him. In my shorter version of the story, I added an extra detail to help compliment the first story. Many people know of the love that parents have for their children, which is what I wanted to emphasize with both stories. Jim has a really big fear of germs, but even that won't stop him from making his son happy!


  1. Hey! I absolutely love your microfiction! While reading it I was ready for him to face something really scary like a monster or something gigantic and life-changing. When you said germs at Disney World, it made me laugh a little because it is something that I would not think of at all. I can see how the intro ties in though because the dad is a germaphobe. Wonderful job!

  2. Hi Landon!

    I love microfiction because of how much you're able to convey in such a small story, and you did just that. It also makes every word that much more meaningful. The big suspenseful build you were going for worked so well and for this big enemy to be Disney World made me actually LOL. I definitely enjoyed your story, and I love that you added in that Jim was doing this for his child, it made it very heartwarming.


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